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Low Tension P.V.C. Cables

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Low voltage cables are most widely used among all cables. Low voltage power cables are used in electric power distribution and control cables carry signals from electrical devices, switchgears, etc to control room. LT Cables or Low Tension PVC Cables are defined as per IS 1554 Part I having voltage grade up to 3.3kv. Cables of similar voltage range are also defined as LV Cables or Low Voltage Cables as per IEC-60502 part 1 and BS-6004

PVC insulated cables are generally manufactured up to 1000 sqmm(Single Core) and 630sqmm(Multi Core) conforming to IS, IEC & BS standards.

PVC insulated cables are suitable for use on AC single phase or three phase (earthed or unearthed ) systems for rated voltage upto and including 1100 volts. These cables can be used on DC systems for rated voltage up to and including 1500 volts to earth.

Advantages of PVC Cables

  • A non-hygroscopic insulation almost unaffected by moisture.
  • Non-migration of compound permitting vertical installation.
  • Complete protection against most forms of electrolytic and chemical corrosion.
  • A tough and resilient sheath with excellent fire resisting qualities.
  • Good ageing characteristics.
  • Not affected by vibration.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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